UArctic is searching for motivated and enthusiastic interns for the fall 2019 who are interested in Arctic matters and willing to acquire knowledge of the Northern region; its environment, people and culture. The internship will provide an environment in which the intern can develop, enhance professional working and communica...

Industrial University of Tyumen, Russia, launches a new English-taught master program "Logistics and supply chain management". The program focuses on training highly qualified logisticians - logistics managers, supply chain coordinators, analysts and researchers with an international methodology for strategic logistics manage...

UArctic is seeking an experienced fundraising professional with demonstrated results in annual and major giving, special events, grants, and donor stewardship in the non-profit sector. The Director of Development must share in the values of UArctic and have a passion for the Arctic, the people who live there and for the issue...

The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action created in 1992. The current funding period 2014-2020 has a budget of €3.4 billion.

Julia Stenman from Tampere University recently went on a north2north exchange to Memorial University of Newfoundland where she was able to experience the rich Newfoundland and Canadian culture and learn about different Arctic areas.