On March 25, an Arctic Day was organized by the Scottish Government, and Highlands and Islands Enterprise, in Inverness, Scotland. Scottish-Arctic research, science and training was one of the main themes at the conference, and UArctic was invited to share views on how to develop partnerships between Scottish and Arctic insti...

UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education launched an online version of the book "Including the North: a Comparative Study of the Policies on Inclusion and Equity in the Circumpolar North" on March 26, 2019 in Rovaniemi, as part of the conference "Developing an Inclusive School". 

Trent University hosts the 2019 UArctic Rectors' Forum on its Symon's Campus, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada August 19-22, 2019. Registration is now open for senior leaders of UArctic's higher education members.

A new and ambitious Arctic science conference is born – Greenland Science Week. The conference invites researchers, business partners, policy makers and organizations along with the general public to participate in a week focusing on science in the Arctic.

The Calotte Academy 2019 "Future Arctic Societies: Scenarios, Innovations, Best Practices & Actors" will be organized in June 2-9, 2019, in the European Arctic - Rovaniemi, Inari and Hetta, Finland; Kautokeino, Norway; Apatity, Russia (tbc). Extended deadline for applications: April 7, 2019.