Reminder ARCTICNET ASM2016

Mon, Oct 03, 2016
The ArcticNet Network of Centres of Excellence of Canada and its partners are pleased to welcome the Arctic research community to Winnipeg, Manitoba for the 12th ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM2016) to be held from December 5 – 9th 2016 at the RBC Convention Centre. The deadline for abstract submission is Monday Octo...

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) and the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research are pleased to announce that the APECS International Directorate will be hosted by AWI at its research centre in Potsdam, Germany for five years from February 2017.

Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences and Petrozavodsk State University invite you to take part in the VIII Youth Economic Forum “Investments as a resource for the future: new economy – new possibilities”, Petrozavodsk (Russia), November 10-12, 2016

Northern (Arctic) Federal University will host UArctic Open Days, November 10-11, 2016. Representatives of Russian UArctic members will participate in workshops on Thematic Networks activities and cooperation as well as projects implementation. 

In the end of July from the port of Murmansk (Russia) "The Alter Ego" yacht started the expedition "Open Ocean: Arctic Archipelago - 2016" to North-East protected areas of the Barents Sea.

Northern (Arctic) Federal University held autumn school "Model Arctic Council" (MAC) on September 19-23, 2016. In 2014, a pilot project was carried out on the basis of the same university. This year students themselves organized the autumn school.

Ninth International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences: People and Place (ICASS IX), 8-12 June 2017 - Umeå University, Sweden - Extended Call for Sessions