Harbin Institute of Technology will host the International Arctic School Summer 2022 online on 27 June-10 July, 2022 (IAS-HIT-eSummer 2022) and provide online courses in digital form to students in China and around the world.

The Finnish-India joint seminar on Indigenous and tribal peoples’ studies comparing the Arctic and India was held on 27 May 2022 at the Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland.

The Center for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate (CAGE) at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway welcomes your participation in the International Conference on Methane in a Changing Arctic, to be held in Tromsø, 14-16th September.

The latest issue of our annual magazine, Shared Voices, is now available online. The 2022 issue continues with stories of impact from individual, institutional, and community perspectives.