The Nunavut Arctic College has recently announced to have received funding for a new Tourism and Hospitality Program in its institution.

Arden L. Bement, the director of the National Science Foundation (NSF), has been named to lead Purdue University's new Global Policy Research Institute (GPRI) in West Lafayette, Indiana. Bement will begin his new post as the director of GPRI--which will draw on seven different science and research disciplines at Purdue--on 1...

The four day Jokkmokk Conference “Changing Climates: The new political and environmental reality for Northern Communities” started on February 1, 2010. A community of 4000 located on the Arctic Circle in Sweden is host to a growing number of participants interested in the climate change conference.

The Arctic Voices Fellowship program is up and running and we need your help in identifying Northern applicants, aged 25 - 35, from across the Canadian North who are embarking on a path of public and community service and would benefit from participation.

8-12 June 2010Oslo, Norway Organizers of PolarCINEMA announce that registration for the program is open. This event will take place as part of the IPY Oslo Science Conference (IPY-OSC).

16 - 19 March 2010Miami, FloridaArctic Research Consortium of the U.S. Poster Abstract Submission Deadline:        Monday, 1 February 2010 Early-Bird Registration Deadline:                 Sunday, 7 February 2010 Hotel Reservation Discount Deadline:         Monday, 15 February 2010