SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research), IASC (International Arctic Scientific Committee), APECS (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists) and the IPY IPO (International Polar Year Programme Office) are seeking a project assistant on a part-time basis to help coordinate an initial assessment of the outcomes of...

Memorial University of Newfoundland seeks two graduate students to work on a research program that examines the role of values and cultural identity in shaping responses to climate change in Labrador communities. The positions will start as soon as possible, and are based in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.

New Arctic: New rules (WWF)

Tue, Apr 27, 2010
A new, warmer Arctic cannot continue to operate under rules that assume it is ice-covered and essentially closed to fishing, resource exploration and development and shipping, WWF said as it launched a group of reports on protecting a newly accessible, highly vulnerable environment with profound significance for global...

Theme: Geopolitical and Legal Aspects of Canada's and Europe's Northern Dimensions A joint initiative by the Canadian Circumpolar Institute (CCI), University of Alberta, Canada and the Thule Institute, University of Oulu, Finland, the inaugural seminar was held in Oulu on 19th May 2008 and the book of proceedings was pub...

The Council of the University of the Arctic will have its 13th meeting in Yakutsk, Sakha Republic, Russia next week from June 2 to 5, 2010. Among the items on the meeting's agenda are the welcoming of additional institutions and organizations as Council members, modifications to the governance structure, the approval of a Mas...

As a proud partner of the University of the Arctic, the Board of Governors and staff of Nunavut Arctic College recognize how important a circumpolar university is to northern development and the benefits that participation can bring to the people of our territory.

David Hik was elected the new IASC President during the annual IASC Council Meeting in Nuuk/Copenhagen. The circumstances were somewhat special considering the fact that half of the IASC delegation was present in Nuuk while the other half was detained in Copenhagen due to the volcanic eruption in Iceland. Luckily modern techn...

The Office of Undergraduate Studies is inviting all students who have completed courses in the Circumpolar Studies Program to write a story titled, “What UArctic Means to Me.” Your narrative should be no more than 400 words and written in English. We would like to hear how UArctic courses have affected your personal and profe...

The debate on establishing an EU Arctic Information Centre goes in favor of Rovaniemi and the centre could be a part of the Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland.

The Seminar will build on the results of the LT&C-Arendal Seminar in 2007 ( and will give representatives from tourism, conservation and investment sectors an international forum, where we develop answers on 1. Where are existing and potential examples, where tourism is supporting marine protected areas ?...

IMHE Info - April 2010

Mon, Apr 19, 2010
Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE).The OECD’s international forum designed for higher education institutions For the latest issue, click here For earlier issues, click here Please feel free to forward this e-mail to interested colleagues