In January 2024, the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) released The Unmet Needs of Environmentally Threatened Alaska Native Villages: Assessment and Recommendations. The nationally significant Unmet Needs Report recommends comprehensive policy changes and robust resources to support Alaska Tribal communities adapting to climate change. It seeks to improve the effectiveness of federal and state agency support to address climate and environmental threats, including erosion, flooding, and permafrost degradation in Alaska communities. The report also identifies funding needs, priorities, and implementation strategies.

In this webinar, ANTHC Director of Climate Initiatives Jackie Qataliña Schaeffer will provide an overview of the report and answer audience questions. Following the Q&A, several IARPC collaboration teams and communities of practice will facilitate discussions in breakout rooms about how the Unmet Need Report relates to their work toward the deliverables of the Arctic Research Plan 2022-2026.

For more information, go to:
Event webpage

For questions, contact:
Liz Weinberg
Phone: 503-893-8910