Andrew Jennings from the University of the Highlands and Islands described the cultural heritage landscape of Shetland, and Laufey Haraldsdottir from the Hólar University described the effect of tourism on the two small Iceland islands of Hrísey and Grímsey. Heritage as a Tool for supporting vibrant island communities is a strategic research focus of the network.

Great interest was shown in the Yarns and Yarns, knitting webinars, that the network has organised in Newfoundland, Scotland and Iceland. This coming year the network hopes to run one from Svalbard.

A good connection was made with the Thematic Network on Circumpolar Archives, Folkore and Ethnography (CAFE), which will be followed up. Andrew's PhD student Adele Lidderdale, was also at the congress, and delivered a paper in another panel about her island research.