The Thematic Network on Arctic Transport and Logistics hosted a workshop in Bodø, Norway, for its members, featuring a presentation by Gunnar Stefánsson, UArctic Vice-President Research. Stefánsson introduced the new cooperation with Lloyd's Register Foundation and detailed the latest funding call supported by the foundation. The Thematic Network members recognized the relevance of the call for their staff and were encouraged to apply before the June 15 deadline.

Discussions at the workshop centered on strengthening cooperation among members, planning new joint events, exploring research calls, and sharing the latest information on traffic along the Northern Sea Route. Additionally, the network initiated the development of a new strategic plan, which the lead Kjell Stokvik will work on together with the members over the next semester.

Participants of the workshop came from Hokkaido University, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Youngsan University, and Centre for High North Logistics, Nord University. The network expressed gratitude to all participants for their commitment and contributions to the success of the workshop