The UArctic received 10 applications for the expression of interest for new UArctic Chairs, which will now be reviewed and processed. 

UArctic Chairs are highly qualified academics who are given an opportunity to serve as academic drivers in their areas of expertise to benefit the Arctic at large. These UArctic Chairs will be funded by the nominating UArctic member institution(s) / organization(s) and the UArctic expect them to be able to spend 10-20% of their time to their UArctic role. The home institution must fund a travel budget for a minimum of two international travels annually. A Chair will continue to spend most of their time as leads in their existing area of work in their home institutions. Each chair will be appointed for a period of five years, with the possibility of renewal.

UArctic also welcomes Indigenous Knowledge Chairs and proposals for UArctic Emeritus Chairs, supported by a member. For these categories, the terms and requirements listed above may be adjusted in dialogue with UArctic.

Thank you to those that applied.