The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) is working in cooperation with partners worldwide to coordinate a multi-year (2022—2026) engagement and consultation process for the Fourth International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV). ICARP IV is engaging Arctic researchers, Indigenous Peoples, policymakers, residents, and other interested parties from around the world to: (1) consider and document the most urgent knowledge gaps and Arctic research priorities and needs for the next decade, and (2) explore avenues and new opportunities to address these research needs.

In this webinar, Matthew Druckenmiller, Andrey Petrov, and April Melvin will provide an update and seek input on: the goals and organizational structure of ICARP IV; ways to get involved and contribute to ICARP IV; the work of the seven ICARP IV Research Priority Teams; planning for the ICARP IV Summit in March 2025, which will be held as part of Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2025 in Boulder, Colorado; and ICARP IV outcomes and deliverables.

For more information, go to:
Event webpage

For questions, contact:
Liz Weinberg, IARPC
Phone: 503-893-8910