Students from North-Eastern Federal University Tatevik Maytesyan and Robert Nikolaev share their impressions of the Youth Educational Forum “The Arctic. Made in Russia” held in the city of Arkhangelsk on March 27 – April 2, 2017, and tell about projects the Arctic region needs. Both students have been interested in Arctic stu...

Lena Vinokurova from UArctic’s Russian Information Services (North-Eastern Federal University) recently spent three months on a Fulbright exchange in the US. In this article she shares her experiences.

The Northern Arctic Federal University (NArFU)  in Arkhangelsk, Russia invites international students to take part in one of our exchange programs or schools in summer 2017 and academic year 2017/2018.

Schedule for ICASS IX out now

Thu, Apr 06, 2017
A preliminary schedule for “People & Place”, the ninth International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS IX), is now published.

The International Barents Secretariat in Kirkenes, Norway is seeking a parental leave replacement for the position of an Executive Officer for the period of 15 August 2017 – 15 July 2018. The position is open for citizens of Sweden, Finland, Norway and Russia. Apply by 10 May 2017.

The aim of this workshop (organized in Rovaniemi, Finland, 30-31 August 2017) is to increase the capacity of individuals who may become the next generation global leaders to understand and act on the new security and governance challenges that are developing in the context of global environmental change. Apply by 20 April 2017.

Norilsk State Industrial Institute  in cooperation with the Polar Division of “Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel” holds the 10th international scientific conference “Scientific potential of Norilsk Industrial Region – XXI century” dedicated to the year of ecology in Russia. The event will take place April 11 -14...

On April 2nd, 2017, in Prague, Czech Republic during Arctic Science Summit Week, a Memorandun of Understanding was signed between The International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA), The International Arctic Science Committee ( IASC) and The University of the Arctic (UArctic).

Bachelor students are invited to apply for the interdisciplinary student course "Shipping in the Arctic" to be given at the University Centre in Svalbard from 31 July to 11 August 2017. Deadline for applications: April 15, 2017.