The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), together with the University of the Arctic and the International Antarctic Institute (IAI) are pleased to announce a great new resource for young researchers looking for graduate programs related to polar and cryospheric research and to help graduate programme recruit...

Bernard Funston, current chair of the Canadian Polar Commission (a UArctic member) is meeting today (Sept 15, 2011) with UArctic President Lars Kullerud at his office in Arendal. The Canadian Polar Commission is Canada's national advisory agency on polar research issues, and engages with many international science and policy...

One of UArctic's newest Thematic Networks, Arctic Law, has wasted no time in kick starting its activities. Following its approval by the Council of the University of the Arctic in June, the network has approved its action plan and established its own website. The network was very active in the recent fourth 'Akureyri Polar La...

On the 6th of September 2011 Bjorn Sagdahl (professor of the program “Bachelor of Northern Studies”) and Per Moller (coordinator of the program from Finnmark University College, Alta, Norway) visited MSHU. During the meeting with MSHU coordinator of the program Prof. Sagdahl and Mr. Moller informed about the students’ progres...

As a follow-up to last year’s highly successful Arctic Futures Symposium, the IPF will be organizing Arctic Futures Symposium 2011 in Brussels, Belgium October 12th – 14th in conjunction with the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.

Leaders of Norway's parliamentary delegation to the Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region (CPAR) will visit Lars Kullerud, President of the University of the Arctic and GRID-Arendal on Wednesday, Sept 14, 2011. Among the issues to be discussed are the follow-up to the Green Growth in the Arctic seminar, as well...

The NCM was recently granted 1.8 mill DKR in support for three years to the project titled “Nordic Network and Roadmap Development for Welfare Technology (NeRo). The three UArcic member institutions are the University of Turku, Umeå University and the University of Tromsø. The coordinating institution is the University...