Catch-up with IASC!

Thu, May 22, 2008
The International Arctic Science Committee has produced a progress report with news about their upcoming conferences and changes to their organizational structure. The report has been made available in electronic form and all are welcome to view it!    

There is much that can be done to curb climate changes at a local level. This is the central theme for the third Nordic conference on sustainable development being organised in Odense, Denmark, in September. The aim of the conference is to debate and propose concrete measures which can be taken by, for example, local councils...

April 2008 marked the implementation of a long envisioned Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) Initiative on Inuit Education, the first ever National Inuit Education Summit. Under the guidance of the ITK’s Education Advisory Group, a three phased project was launched with the commissioning of four background papers on Inuit educatio...

The ARCUS 20th Annual Meeting and Arctic Forum 2008, held at the National Association of Home Builders Conference Center in downtown Washington, DC, will be broadcast live via webstream. The theme of this year's Arctic Forum is: "Tipping Points-The Arctic and Global Change."

This semester marks a major milestone in UArctic history. 8 students from Northlands College in La Ronge Saskatchewan, will be celebrating their completion of the Circumpolar Studies Program (BCS), the first group of students from Canada to do so. UArctic will also be celebrating and honouring their distinguished accomplishme...

The Nordic Council of Ministers has entered into partnership with Nordic Climate Solutions. Copenhagen Climate Solutions which last year attracted 600 decision makers is expanding beyond the Danish borders. This year on the November 25th the two day conference and exhibition will bring together a crowd of Danish, Swedish, Nor...

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF)'s International Arctic Programme announces the publication of an update report on the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA). The report, "Arctic Climate Impact Science - an Update since ACIA," reviews related science publications and impacts that have been published since the original report in...

The University of Alaska is seeking a Director for the University of Alaska Museum of the North. The Museum, located in Fairbanks, Alaska, is an AAM-accredited museum of natural and cultural history. It is a center for the collection and preservation of objects from and related to Alaska and for research and education pertain...

Marianne Jorgensen, from UArctic Catalog Office participated in NAFSA's Webinar Conference on 'The Impact of the Bologna Process on U.S. Higher Education' on February 26, 2008. The following is a report offered by Marianne: