Within the overall theme of Arctic Research Planning for the Next Decade, sessions are invited to address the following areas:

  • Research topics that align with one or more of the seven existing ICARP IV Research Priority Team Areas;
  • Research topics that are critical for Arctic research planning to consider, but are broader than or not included within any of the seven existing ICARP IV Research Priority Team Areas (i.e., topics may include emerging Arctic threats, new areas in social science, Arctic economies, etc.); and
  • Matters that are important to Arctic research planning and implementation (i.e., topics may include science policy, research evaluation, research ethics, scenario planning, international funding and coordination mechanisms, etc.).

ICARP IV will engage the international community on critical topics and priorities for Arctic research in the next 10 years that cut across disciplines and knowledge systems, and that require new and innovative thinking and collaboration.

New session submission deadline: 30 June 2024

For more information, go to: ASSW webpage